We are delighted to support the Chartered Institute of Housing’s Make a Stand campaign against domestic abuse.
Millions of people experience domestic abuse every year, with two women being killed by their partner or ex-partner every week. Housing organisations house and employ millions of people across the UK, and that means we house and employ many thousands of people affected by domestic abuse.
By signing the pledge, Blairtummock HA has become part of that collective effort and we are working to put the following four commitments in place.
1. Put in place and embed a policy to support residents who are affected by domestic abuse.
2. Make information about national and local domestic abuse support services available on your website and in other appropriate places so that they are easily accessible for residents and staff
3. Put in place a HR policy, or amend an existing policy, to support members of staff who may be experiencing domestic abuse.
4. Appoint a champion at a senior level in your organisation to won the activity you are doing to support people experiencing domestic abuse
More information can be found at Tackling domestic abuse | Make a stand campaign | CIH.
Information on support services