Community Regeneration at Blairtummock Housing Association
Community Regeneration is a key part of the Association’s work. The physical transformation of the area has been successfully completed over the last 20 years, but deprivation and poverty persists; this work is aimed at tackling deprivation and its causes. Our focus is currently around working with the following groups either directly or through commissioning our partners to do so:
- Children and Young Adults: Citizenship; Employment, Education and Training; Youth Work; Arts Centred Activities; Music
- Older People: Addressing Isolation; Increasing Physical Activity; Arts Centred Activities; Music; and helping them to remain part of the community
Our successes have come about through the efforts of volunteers, committee, the community, and the staff of the Association and its subsidiary. This broad based approach helps us to respond to what the community wants and remain community led in our activities.
Our Community Regeneration Strategy gives further information and context on this area of the Association’s work.