Handyperson Service - Available For Blairtummock And Rogerfield Residents


We offer a FREE handyperson service to assist certain residents who need a little extra help with small jobs that are not part of Blairtummock Housing Association’s repair responsibilities.

Typical examples of jobs that can be done are:

• Changing light bulbs
• Home security improvements
• Furniture assembly
• Cleaning internal windows
• Fitting shelves
• Hanging pictures
• Fixing curtain rails and poles
• Fitting bathroom accessories
• Assisting in bulk uplift

This is a completely free service, residents just supply their own materials, such as a shelf that needs to be put up, and Blairtummock can provide plugs and screws.
We offer up to four hours (AM or PM) where a handyman can assist you with minor DIY jobs.

You supply the materials and we’ll do the rest.

To qualify for this service you must be a tenant, sharing owner or factored owner of Blairtummock Housing Association. You must be over the age of 60 or have support needs please contact the office to discuss further.