Value for Money Statement

The application of Value for Money (VfM) is fundamental to Blairtummock Housing Association operation and underpins the achievement of the Associations vision and values.

Please read our Value for Money Statement below:

Value for Money Statement


Blairtummock Housing Association and its subsidiary Blairtummock & Rogerfield Opportunities continues to strive for cost efficiencies throughout all aspects of the business and Value for Money will be at the forefront of everything we do.




Blairtummock Housing Association was set up in 1989 as a locally controlled community organisation working within the Blairtummock area and later expanded to include the Rogerfield area.



Neighbourhoods where people choose to be and are happy to live.



To give local people the power to improve the opportunities for our community



Local people lead BHA. Our values are based on community ownership and control, along with respect for our customers; our committee members; our staff; and our partners. 


In everything we do, we will:


·       Be open, honest and transparent

·       Keep our promises

·       Listen to our tenants and be responsive to their needs

·       Be inclusive and provide equal opportunities for everyone in our community

·       Be responsible in our management of BHA’s resources

·       Empower our tenants and the community

·       Respect the environment


Our objectives in achieving value for money are:


·       Affordable rents

·       Efficient procurement

·       Investing in the future

·       Maximising income

·       Improving services

·       Reducing costs as a proportion of turnover

·       Generating a surplus to make a wider social impact


These objectives will be applied to all aspects of our work and will be reviewed each time we review our Value for Money Policy.