EHRA - Partnership Working
Easterhouse Housing & Regeneration Alliance (EHRA) is an alliance of the seven independent, community-based social housing providers in Greater Easterhouse. Blairtummock Housing Association, Calvay Housing Association, Gardeen Housing Association, Easthall Park Housing Co-operative, Provanhall Housing Association, Lochfield Park Housing Association and Wellhouse Housing Association are the seven members of EHRA. The members of EHRA have worked together since 1991, previously as Greater Easterhouse Community Ownership Forum (GECOF).
The EHRA Management Committee is comprised of people who live in the local area and have a strong commitment to ensuring that the area’s Social Housing Providers are working together in the interests of the area. The Office Bearers of EHRA are:
Linda Cameron, Chairperson (Provanhall Housing Association)
Donna Miller, Treasurer (Blairtummock Housing Association)
Carrina Brewer, Secretary (Gardeen Housing Association)
EHRA member organisations own and manage over 3,000 houses throughout Greater Easterhouse. In the last 15-20 years the housing and the physical environment of neighbourhoods has been greatly improved through the efforts of Social Housing Providers in Easterhouse.
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