Scottish Housing Regulator - Complaints about your social landlord

We expect social landlords to make it easy for tenants and other service users to talk to

them and get the information they need about the service they provide and decisions they


Sometimes you might have a problem with a social landlord. Our role does not allow us to

deal with individual complaints. So, if you have a complaint about a social landlord that

relates to you or your home, you should:

• Step 1: Follow the social landlord’s complaints procedure in full – this will be available on

its website or by contacting them; and

• Step 2: If the complaints procedure ends and you are unhappy with how it dealt with it,

you can contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO).

🏠 Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO), Bridgeside House, 99 McDonald

Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NS

☎ 0800 377 7330


The SPSO’s website also has information on ways for people to complain about care

services and factoring services provided by social landlords.

If your complaint is upheld by the SPSO, we will be made aware of this and we will speak

with the social landlord about this.

Serious concerns

However, if you are a tenant of a social landlord, and the specific complaint affects a group

of social landlord tenants; you can also take a third step

• Step 3: You can report the issue to us.

For more information please click on Complaints and serious concerns - information for tenants & services users of social landlords