What is Universal Credit?
Universal Credit could affect you from 5th December 2018.....Are You Ready?
Universal Credit is a new benefit paid monthly for working aged people in and out of work. It will replace the following benefits:-
- Housing Benefit
- Employment Support Allowance (Income Related)
- Child Tax Credit
- Jobseekers Allowance
- Income Support
- Working Tax Credit
What will I have to do to claim Universal Credit?
- DWP expect you to claim online, so you will need access to the internet to make a claim
- You will need an email address
- You will need to have a Bank Account/Building Society/Post Office account/Credit Union to get your Universal Credit payment.
For help and information on claiming Universal Credit, setting up a bank acount, getting access to the internet and budgeting, please contact our office on 0141 773 0202 or alternatively by email enquiries@blairtummock.org.uk
Our Welfare Benefit Advisors are ready to help!
To find out more about Universal Credit, please visit the GOV.UK website or watch the short video below.